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Jeremiah Bible Study Series: Gospels + Romans
Softcover Book
- Jeremiah Bible Study Series: RomansSoftcover Book
- 4 Gospel Bible Study Series Pack

Jeremiah Bible Study Series: John
Softcover Book
Jeremiah Bible Study Series: 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus

Gift of: £15.00
Known as the Pastoral Epistles, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus are the last three letters Paul wrote before his death.
Timothy and Titus were young pastors at the time they received these letters,; they were trusted, godly men, whom Paul trusted would fight valiantly for the faith after his death.
In these three epistles, we will learn three fundamental lessons to help us strengthen our walk with the Lord and set an inspiring example for the believers who come after us:
- Stand up for the truth - call out false teachers, defend the gospel, and use the gifts God gives us to keep the church on track (1 Timothy).
- When the challenges of living as a believer in this world overwhelm us, we can remember that better days are ahead. God will protect and keep us until we are called home to be with Him (2 Timothy).
- Even the most unruly, difficult believers are still God's children. God equips us to demonstrate the patience and guidance that is needed to be a loving example to all believers (Titus).
Take advantage of our bulk discount! Order (10) or more copies of a Jeremiah Bible Study Series product and receive 20% off the price!

Jeremiah Bible Study Series: Gospels + Romans
Softcover Book
- Jeremiah Bible Study Series: RomansSoftcover Book
- 4 Gospel Bible Study Series Pack