In Overcomer, Dr David Jeremiah will teach you how to suit up for victory!
Living the life of an overcomer starts with one very simple, yet often overlooked action: putting on your armor.
You’ve heard it before, from the book of Ephesians, the wonderful metaphor—the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace—the armor of God.
But what if there's more to it than just a metaphor?
What if there are deeper truths God wants to reveal about the spiritual battles that are raging in unseen realms?
God has given you eight strategies for putting on your armor—for being prepared in the fight against the evil one and for OVERCOMING in His name.
" I've read so many books on spiritual warfare, but I have never read a book that is so practical and daily and doable.
I want the same clarity and conviction for you! I’m pleased to offer you my book Overcomer, a practical guide to combating spiritual warfare, with your generous gift to Turning Point today!
Overcomer Super Eight Cards are included with every copy of Dr Jeremiah's book!
" I've read so many books on spiritual warfare, but I have never read a book that is so practical and daily and doable.
Our Super Eight Overcomer Cards
Based on Ephesians 6, each of these eight cards highlights a different God-given “superpower.” There’s one card for each piece of your spiritual armor PLUS the two readiness powers God provides for us each day.
These Super Eight Overcomer Cards are sure to be a keepsake spiritual warfare tool so that you can effectively use your God-given “superpowers”!
Watch and learn more about the Super Eight Overcomer Cards!
Your order today includes a set of these exclusive cards.
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We know we are in a battle for our lives, but we can’t find the strength we so desperately need.
Feeling powerless?
What has power over you?
In a world that is infatuated with power, most of us feel powerless—powerless to control the destiny of our nation, career, financial security, and even our own addictions. We know we are in a battle for our lives, but we can’t seem to find the strength we so desperately need.
What if I told you that you can change this? What if I told you there is One who can empower you to prevail over the emotional, physical, and even spiritual chaos in your life?
In my book and series, Overcomer, I share with you how you can overcome life’s everyday challenges with the power of God. Yes, God wants us to be people of strength and courage. He wants to build into our lives a spirit of power (2 Timothy 1:7). He has even commanded us to “be strong in...the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10).
Be strong in...the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10
The call to “be strong” is not new. Every Christian in every era, regardless of age or maturity, is called by God’s Word to be an overcomer. Letting fear or your own inadequacies keep you from the battle is not an option. God promises to strengthen you with His might. It is a gift and you are commanded to use it.
Are you an overcomer? God created you to be! Enough living in defeat. God has given us supernatural tools to use here on earth that can both protect you from the enemy and strengthen you to conquer the greatest obstacles in life—spiritual attacks don’t need to leave you defeated, discouraged, disillusioned, or distraught.
Enough living a discouraged and defeated life…
God created you to be an overcomer!
(Romans 8:37)
The well-versed Christ follower
You can name every piece of the armor of the believer from memory, but somehow no one ever told you what to do with it or how to leverage its power.
Those who've failed...big
Having failed in a big, big way you are looking for help getting back on your feet. Is there any way to regain the power you once experienced?
Those who can’t find their power
You feel powerless to control our nation with your vote, your finances with the right advisor, or your addictions with the right attitude. There has to be a better answer than, “try harder.”
The emotionally spent
Overwhelmed with anxiety and fear the Christian life feels like a daily slog toward eventual victory...once you get to heaven. If you’re honest, you wonder why you keep going somedays.
Fight fatigue and persecution with strength.
Reject the lies you believe about yourself and replace them with God's Truth.
Stop revenge in its tracks and overcome evil with this revolutionary force.
Tackle anxiety and worry with a heart full of peace.
Banish doubt and learn to let faith lift your gaze upward.
Dissolve despair with confidence in a hopeful future.
Go on the offense and learn to draw your sword as an overcomer!
Find the perfect antidote for a crazy-busy, yet crazy-unfulfilled life.
In Ephesians 6:10-18, we discover God’s guide to becoming an overcomer. When we, by faith, put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14), we clothe ourselves with His strength. The whole armor of God has been given, in Christ, to every believer. We possess truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. With our defensive armor, we are ensured that Satan must flee from the authority of God’s Truth.
Overcomer will be your guide to living each day in the strength God provides for those He loves. Yes, you will have almighty help, but the work will still be up to you. You must learn to use the strategies God has provided if you want to stand strong in His power...if you want to live the life of an overcomer.
The whole armor of God has been given to every believer.
Overcomer will teach you how to live each day in the strength God has provided!
This may be the first time you’ve ever truly understood the armor of the believer.
STRENGTH that overcomes weakness
TRUTH that overcomes falsehood
GOOD that overcomes evil
PEACE that overcomes anxiety
FAITH that overcomes fear
HOPE that overcomes despair
SCRIPTURE that overcomes temptation
PRAYER that overcomes all foes
Overcomer Book Set
You’ll receive:
A hardcover copy of Overcomer Super Eight Overcomer Cards Order Your BookOvercomer DVD or CD Set
You’ll receive:
A hardcover copy of Overcomer Super Eight Overcomer Cards The correlating 148-page study guide The complete series on audio CD or DVD video The Warrior’s Prayer bookmark Dr Jeremiah’s complete interview with Sheila Walsh is included in the DVD and CD albums! Order Your DVD Set Order Your CD Set