The giants we face have different names: Fear. Discouragement. Loneliness. Worry. Guilt. Temptation. Anger. Resentment. Doubt. Procrastination. Failure. Jealousy. Call them what you will; they’re only giants, after all, like Goliath. He was a shade over nine feet tall, but it only added up to a bigger dent in the pavement once he fell. The bigger they come, the harder they fall.

Rapture practice, 6:30 PM, Wednesday

Can you imagine...

walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?

The amazing reality

Can you imagine...

walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?

oh, I know it might seem silly think about attending a rehearsal for the Rapture—but here’s the amazing reality:

God’s Word outlines ten ways we should be preparing for Christ’s return!

And when you think about it, it only makes sense...rehearsal just means getting ready for something—it’s preparation for a future event. And that is exactly what we should be doing in light of Christ’s return.


Jeremiah Bible Study Series
Jeremiah Bible Study Series

The Jeremiah Bible Study Series

Dr. Jeremiah’s new comprehensive Bible study series.

Learn Moreand request yours today

Bring Each Book of the Bible to Life!


Bring Each Book of the Bible to Life!

The Jeremiah Bible Study Series captures Dr. David Jeremiah’s 40-plus years of commitment to teaching the Word of God. In each study, Dr. Jeremiah points out what that book of the Bible says, what it means, and what it means for you today. Along the way, you will gain insights into the text, identify key stories and themes, and be challenged to apply the truth you find in your life.

Request Now

Jeremiah Bible Study Series

New Testament Collection


The Arrival of the King


The Messiah in Action


The Compassion of Christ


The Divinity of Christ


The Birth of the Church


The Gospel of Grace

1 Corinthians

The Authentic Christian Life

2 Corinthians

The Call to Reconciliation


The Path to Freedom


The Inheritance We Have in Christ


The Joy of Living in Christ

Colossians & Philemon

The Lordship of Jesus

1 & 2 Thessalonians

The Call to a Holy Life

1 & 2 Timothy & Titus

The Way to Live and Lead for Christ


The Supremacy of Christ


The Relationship Between Faith and Works

1 & 2 Peter

The Way to Endure Through Trials

1, 2, 3 John & Jude

The Battle for Love and Truth


The Ultimate Hope in Christ

Note: The New Testament Collection of the Jeremiah Bible Study Series has been completely written; it is in production now. Thirteen of the nineteen volumes, along with the Special Edition Jeremiah Study Bible, are scheduled to ship in September 2020. The remaining six volumes will be shipped as they are released in 2021 (Colossians and Philemon; Hebrews; James; 1 & 2 Peter; 1, 2, 3 John and Jude; Revelation).

“When I undertook this project, I knew where to start. Not ‘in the beginning’ with Genesis, but with the origin of our Christian faith—the New Testament. I wanted people today to pick up these volumes and jump straight into learning about Jesus and what it means to live for Him—now.”



Every Volume Includes...

Twelve Lessons, including the following sections:

Getting Started:
An opening question to introduce the lesson
Setting the Stage:
A short reflection to explain the context of the study
Exploring the Text:
The Scripture for the lesson with related questions
Reviewing the Story:
Questions to help you identify key points in the Scripture
Applying the Message:
Questions to help you apply the key ideas to your life
Reflecting on the Meaning:
A closing reflection on the key teachings in the lesson

Each volume features commentary, study questions, and reflections to help you understand what the book you’re studying means for you today. Plus: the Leader’s Guide—ideal for group study.

Request Now

Jeremiah Bible Study Series


New Study Series vs. Study Guides

Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of the Jeremiah Bible Study Series and Dr. Jeremiah’s traditional study guides.

Jeremiah Bible Study Set Dr. Jeremiah's study guides

Covers each book of the New Testament, chapter by chapter

Covers selected Scriptures that coincide with Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching series

Addresses each passage thematically, in the context of the book

Addresses each passage topically, in the context of the teaching series

Includes the complete Scripture passage for ease of reference

Includes Scripture references and select verses

Provides an all-in-one volume for an entire book of the Bible

Spans several volumes to address one book or topic

Offers new study notes that are not found in Dr. Jeremiah’s study guides

Offers study notes that are tailored to complement Dr. Jeremiah’s messages

John - The Divinity of Christ


John—The Divinity of Christ

Jesus called twelve men to be His disciples, but three fishermen—Peter, James, and John—shared a special relationship with Him. They were given direct access to some of the more pivotal events in Jesus’ ministry, such as the transfiguration, His raising of Lazarus from the dead, and His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. John’s account thus gives us a unique glimpse from one of Jesus’ closest disciples into the significance of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. John reveals how Jesus came to provide living water to quench our deep spiritual thirst for the things of God. He shows how Jesus is the bread of life that satisfies our deep spiritual hunger. And he reveals how Jesus is the only way we can obtain that living water and bread of life, for no one comes to God the Father except through Him.

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Take the Poll

Which Book Is Your Favorite?

While every book of the Bible is equally valuable, some portions are bound to resonate with you more than others. Share your favorite New Testament book with us, and we’ll tell you which ones others chose!


Poll Results

Most Popular New Testament Books

Here are the books others have selected as their favorite:

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WITH YOUR gift of £100 OR MORE

The Gospels PLUS Romans

Study the life of Christ from the written account of four men who walked with Jesus throughout His ministry.

MATTHEW focuses on the arrival of our eternal King.
MARK shows us a Messiah in action as Jesus is always at work!
LUKE acquaints us with the compassionate Christ and understands His character as the Great Physician.
JOHN, the disciple whom Jesus loved, shows us the divinity of Christ and how Jesus came to give us life.
ROMANS! It reads like a first-century course in theology, culminating in the incredible truth that God made a way—through the sacrifice of Christ—for all to find salvation. Through Paul’s letter of grace, we are able to find salvation.
PLUS all 5 Leader’s Guides—ideal for group study

Each volume features commentary, study questions, and reflections to help you understand what the book you’re studying means for you today. Plus: the Leader’s Guide—ideal for group study.

Request the Gospel SetPLUS Romans

The Gospel PLUS Romans
New Testament Set


Special Edition Jeremiah Study Bible

This matching, special edition Jeremiah Study Bible draws on more than 40 years of study! Featuring 8,000 individual study notes from Dr. David Jeremiah with both insightful and practical content, it is the perfect companion to the Jeremiah Bible Study Series.

When you give a generous gift of £1,000 or more to help us fulfill our mission—delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world—please request all 19 volumes PLUS the special edition of The Jeremiah Study Bible.

Request the New Testament Set

The Jeremiah Bible Study Series is

Perfect for
Group Study

Whether you’re meeting online or in person, Dr. Jeremiah’s new series will enhance your personal or group study. Sample schedule for small groups.

Sample Schedule


60 min

90 min

Welcome: Members arrive and get settled

5 min
10 min

Getting Started Question: Perhaps the group for interacting with one another

10 min
10 min

Message: Review the lesson

15 min
25 min

Discussion: Discuss questions in the lesson

25 min
35 min

Review and Prayer: Review the key points of the lesson and have a closing time of prayer

5 min
10 min


Add 10 or more copies of any Jeremiah Bible Study Series product to your cart and receive 20% off. Learn More

About the author

David Jeremiah

Dr. David Jeremiah is one of America’s most trusted Bible teachers.

For more than 37 years he has helped millions deepen their understanding of the Bible through 4,552 daily Turning Point Radio releases and a daily Turning Point Television program that reaches millions of people globally.

Dr. Jeremiah has authored many books, including The God You May Not Know, Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven, Escape the Coming Night, and The Book of Signs.

Dr. David Jeremiah

Request your resources here

Request Your Jeremiah Bible Study Series Request Your Jeremiah Bible Study Series
Request the study of JohnWith a Gift of Any Amount

Your book will be shipped after March 5.

Request the Gospels RomansWith Your $100 Gift

Set includes five volumes: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Romans.

Request the CollectionWITH YOUR $1,000 GIFT

The New Testament Collection contains 19 volumes and covers all 27 books of the New Testament.

Note: Volumes will be shipped as they become available.

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